Well, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, The Timeline Post have a record. A real record. Shrink-wrapped and everything. It's titled, creatively enough, The Timeline Post, and it is amazing. I've had the privelege of being able to get my hands on a copy (a perk of living with the bass player) and I'm ready to dub it one of the top five records of the year. Where The Wooden Nickel EP was good, the new record is great. It is polished, especially for being mostly recorded at home. Owen mixed it and it has been mastered professionally. And it shows. The lows and highs both withstood "the car test" and sound just short of magnificent.
I highly suggest you pick up a copy. It will be officialy released this Friday at a release show in Denton at Rubber Gloves (click HERE to watch some videos and see what a treat you're in for).
The record boasts 12 tracks, and the listing goes like this:
1 With The Sweet Comes The Sour
2 Ivory Forest
3 The Burning Bridge
4 Dweller
5 Out My Window
6 A Sonnet
7 Intermission
8 You Were Alone
9 Song Merchants
10 Lost In The Woods
11 Coma Love
12 Another Sonnet
Official Site
Myspace Site
- Jordan M.
Commerce, TX
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