Friday, July 4, 2008

Top Ten List of the Week

Top Ten Upcoming Games

There are a whole lot of promising video games that are getting ready to come out, and it's time to count down the top ten best looking ones:

10. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Light Saber Duels - 11/08 - I am really not sure what this one is all about, but it has "Light Saber Duels" in the title and it's on the Wii, so that's promising.

9. MLB Power Pros 2008 - Wii - 7/28/08 - Powero Pros 2007 was really fun on the Wii, but lacked a lot of depth in the "Wiimote" mode. Apparently they have fixed a lot of issues for 2008, so this one is supposed to be good.

8. Ghostbusters: The Video Game - Multi Platform - 10/08 - This game was rumored for so long that I have to put it on the list. The in-game footage looks pretty slick to me.

7. Fable 2 - Xbox 360 - 10/08 - The sequel to Fable (natch), this is supposedly the game that Fable was supposed to be...with primitive guns!

6. Fallout 3 - Xbox 360 - 10/08 - To be honest, I have never played a fall out game, but the trailer makes me want to be a better man.

5. Left 4Dead - Xbox 360 - 11/08 - Co-op zombie-bustin' fun, I am always down for new zombie franchises, and Left for Dead looks very promising. It's from Valve, and the multiplayer sounds to be Counterstrike-ishly innovative.

4. Street Fighter IV - Mult Platform - TBA 2009 - That's right, it's a new entry in the Street Fighter saga. What took so long? Who knows, but this game should be sweet.

3. Call of Duty 5: World at War - Multi Platform - 11/08 - With Call of Duty 4 being so awesome, part five has to be on the list. This time, we are going back to the big WWII in World at War.

2. Resident Evil 5 - Xbox 360 - TBA 2009 - It's Resident Evil and the NAACP already wants to boycott it. Why? Because black people are portrayed as zombies, I guess. In parts one, two, and three all the zombies are white people, but I never complained. Anyway, the game looks phenomenal.

1. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Multi Platform - 9/16/08 - I plan to buy this game on three different platforms, I am that excited about it. This looks cream your jeans good. I can't wait to try this puppy out on the Wii!

You can check all these out at

- Jordamn
Sulphur Springs, TX

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